New species for the list!
Expedition manager Germania Estevez wrote today about new species recently sited in the reserve. These include a two-toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus), 9 new butterfly species, 5 new bird species recorded during mist netting sessions, and one common bromeliad treefrog. She writes that summer vacation English lessons are very popular in the nearby community of Puerto Rico, with 24 regular students attending regularly, including adults. During a minga last week, expedition members helped the residents of the nearby village of Mondana to repair a local trail. EMs' help was really appreciated by the locals who invited them to share lunch. EMs also visited Hector's island, Sumak Allpa, where they helped to clear a grassland area to build a pond for capybara that Hector plans to breed on his island. Hector has his own foundation and runs a small school for young children. EMs had an opportunity to teach some basic English in the school and later got to enjoy Hector's myriad stories about the mysteries of the Amazon jungle!
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