A Glimpse of the Week Ahead
Monday morning and came and with the successful training week behind them, it was time for the volunteers to begin in earnest the GVI Amazon experience. The schedule for the week was full of different activities and everyone was keen to get stuck in. Sessions to prepare bird, amphibian and reptile transects were slotted in at various times throughout the week's schedule and three satellite camp adventures into different locations in the rainforest seemed to grab everyone's attention the most.
The first group scheduled to set off on their satellite camp had a morning to prepare all their kit and food and then set off under blazing sun towards La Cascada, their destination. With full backpacks, this would take them a tough-going 2 hours or so before they would arrive. As they headed off, the rest of the volunteers were put to work preparing for the start of new amphibian and bird projects that are to be the focus of coming weeks. The bird transects will involve looking at the behaviour of the birds observed along the gravel road between Puerto Rico and Agua Santa . The team assigned to amphibian transects had their work cut out for them and muscle power was definitely required to dig out the holes for the pitfall traps which will enable the observation of amphibian species within varying habitats. A full and varied week lies ahead and is a taster for the weeks to follow.
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