The End of an Era

After over 6 years of intensive research and community development work in and around the Yachana Reserve, GVI Amazon is coming to a close. We have finished our final research project (look forward to our Road Effects paper, coming soon!) and are handing over the project to our partner, The Yachana Foundation. They will continue to maintain and monitor the reserve, using it as an hands-on science education center for students -- we're very excited to see what fabulous things this next generation of scientists find! For more detail on GVI Amazon's closure, and our accomplishments over the years, please read on...
GVI Amazon Closure Statement

Monday, August 15, 2011

Yachana Graduation

This expedition, GVI Amazon has two Yachana High School students joining us on base -- Maria and Henry -- so we were particularly excited when we were invited to the Yachana Graduation for the Third Year Eco Tourism students, especially since Maria is the head dancer of the traditional dance group that was performing that day.

We all felt very proud of those students receiving their diplomas, even more when we recognized some faces and names from pasantias (student interns) that had spent a part of their learning experience here at base.

It was the second time that GVI was attending this kind of event, and we are extremely grateful for this invitation. The volunteers had an amazing time and they got to meet the families of the students and enjoy the celebration with them. The roasted chancho was quite a treat for us and we all left hoping for another invitation next year, and to seeing Maria and Henry in their graduation outfits and holding their diplomas proudly.

Isabel Varela – GVI Amazon Field Staff


Esta expedicion GVI Amazon cuenta con la presencia de dos estudiantes de Yachana, Henry y Maria. Es por ello que nos sentimos especialmente afortunados al recibir una invitacion para atender la graduacion de los estudiantes de tercer curso de Eco Turismo del Colegio Tecnico Yachana; especialmente porque Maria iba a bailar y dirigir la danza tradicional ese dia.

Nos sentimos muy orgaullosos de esos estudiantes que recogian sus diplomas, sobre todo porque algunos de ellos habian pasado por GVI Amazon para sus pasantias.

Esta era la primera vez que atendiamos este evento, y nos sentimos muy agradecidos por la invitacion. Los voluntarios pasaron un dia estupendo. Conocieron a las familias de los estudiantes y disfrutaron de la celebracion con ellos. El chancho asado fue particularmente un regalo para los sentidos y todos nos marchamos esperando una incvitacion el año que viene, par aver a Maria y Henry recoger sus diplomas y a sus familias orgullosas de presenciar este evento.

Isabel Varela – GVI Amazon
