The Coca Chicken Challenge
12 o’clock noon was the time. Eddie was confident but the rest of the group could see the fear in his eyes, burning deep down in his soul. “El pollo entero” awaited. Eddie swaggered through the doors whilst everyone else looked on in anticipation at the showdown that was looming. "That chicken got no chance" Eddie cockily bragged. The waitress couldn’t believe what she had heard and proceeded to explain that the meal Eddie was ordering was for a medium sized family.
“El pollo” arrived and Eddie began to a gasp from the entire restaurants’ onlookers. It’s not everyday you see one man attempt a whole large chicken and a plateful of fries relating to the equivalent of five portions. At first it looked easy but then Eddie began to sweat. He began clock watching. Could he do it? If anyone could it was Eddie!

I ate three last time I was in Coca.
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