Destination: Hector’s Island
Ten volunteers and two GVI staff wearily stumble to the road in the dark, rucksacks stuffed and jungle hammocks in hand. We wait patiently for the comfy bus, only to be approached by an old, bench-seated ranchera truck in its place. This made for an exciting three hour trip to Coca, where volunteers spent the morning over-indulging in local delicacies such as LIVE grubs.
Thursday 13:00
All are met by a canoe for a 45 minute ride, taking in the views of the upper-Napo River as we approach Hector’s Island.
Thursday 18:00
The volunteers join Hector on a tour of the island, watching Woolly Monkeys playing in the tree tops. Before dinner volunteers attempt to set up their jungle hammoc
ks and take the plunge off the port for a sunset swim in the river.
Friday 08:30
Plans are delayed due to a morning of heavy downpours. So the volunteers spend the morning huddled around the fire, sipping lemon tea and listening to Hector’s stories of anaconda encounters. The day draws to a close helping Hector with some general maintenance on the island.
Saturday 08:30
Volunteers take off on an exciting adventure into the jungle, overwhelmed by the abundance of wildlife that inhabits the island. On return to camp Hector shares his techniques for blow darting and spearing. Volunteers spend the afternoon spearing and shooting an orange on a stick –
more thrilling than it might sound.
Sunday 07:00
With the weekend coming to a close the volunteers find it hard to part with the island. Never the less, we take off in our canoe knowing that we had experienced an incredible example of conservation and a man that loves his monkeys.
Kristie Callahan - GVI Amazon Conservation Intern, Apr-Sept 2010
Thursday 13:00
All are met by a canoe for a 45 minute ride, taking in the views of the upper-Napo River as we approach Hector’s Island.
Thursday 18:00
The volunteers join Hector on a tour of the island, watching Woolly Monkeys playing in the tree tops. Before dinner volunteers attempt to set up their jungle hammoc

Friday 08:30
Plans are delayed due to a morning of heavy downpours. So the volunteers spend the morning huddled around the fire, sipping lemon tea and listening to Hector’s stories of anaconda encounters. The day draws to a close helping Hector with some general maintenance on the island.
Saturday 08:30
Volunteers take off on an exciting adventure into the jungle, overwhelmed by the abundance of wildlife that inhabits the island. On return to camp Hector shares his techniques for blow darting and spearing. Volunteers spend the afternoon spearing and shooting an orange on a stick –

Sunday 07:00
With the weekend coming to a close the volunteers find it hard to part with the island. Never the less, we take off in our canoe knowing that we had experienced an incredible example of conservation and a man that loves his monkeys.
Kristie Callahan - GVI Amazon Conservation Intern, Apr-Sept 2010
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