John and I, The True Story

In the last week we have had to de-construct the pitfalls that have been up for the last year. We now have enough information about this survey to be able to call it quits. The work done to de-construct the pitfalls couldn’t have been done without the teamwork and dedication of one of my very close friends. John and I met in Quito and have been doing work ever since. Without him, I wouldn’t be half the person I am today. He has been there to support me through many sketchy situations. There is no one I can trust more in the jungle than John. Let’s just say that we are literally attached by the hip. His hard word has made everything much easier for everyone. If it weren’t for John, we would still be ripping out pitfalls at this very second. In fact, I plan on taking John back to Michigan in los Estados Unidos to meet the family. He knows just about everything there is to know about the woods. He grew up under the wing of a man we all know as Stalking Wolf. John is the wilderness. If something is unnaturally out of place in the woods, John will know. John is the only piece of comfort that I need when I am in the woods. John created the wild. Forever and always John, my trust is in the comfort of you sharp, steel, blade.
Steve Guidos - GVI Amazon volunteer August 2010 & Nov-Dec 2010
N.B. Note from GVI Amazon staff - the jungle does strange things to some people! But the rainforest rocks!!!!! And thanks to Steve for an unplanned return to GVI Amazon and for more hard work! Look forward to seeing you again next year?!?!
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