Awww, what a cute little... SNAKE?!!?!!
Which is why, when I came across one on my first stream walk, I didn’t know what it was. Despite all the risk assessments, the presentations and my own general knowledge, I mistook a snake’s head for a frog. After coming ridiculously close to its head, I realised it was a snake, and called over our Base Manager, Andy, who promptly told me that it was a Fer-de-Lance, and a big one at that. It was simultaneously the most terrifying and amazing moment of my life.
Naomi Thrower, GVI Amazon Volunteer, May - June 2011
Cool post! Bothrops are amazing... and I think they can be cute too! Have you seen a neonate? Absolutely adorable!
I greatly enjoy this blog, please keep sharing your stories from the Field!
Michael Starkey
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