Aaaaand we're off!
I've just come back from the GVI Amazon base camp, where things are off to a great start in 2012. We've got a fantastic inaugural group for the new 4-8-12 week schedule, with folks from all over the globe: UK, USA, Australia, India and our Ecuadorian national scholarship student, Henry -- GVI is everywhere!
While I was at basecamp, we went through all the usual, and very important, health & safety stuff --- you know, don't get burned by the stove, don't get lost in the forest, and, oh yeah, STAY AWAY FROM THE WANDERING SPIDERS!!! The "dangers of the Amazon" were presented in high style, with plenty of comedy as well as important scientific detail, by our base management team, Phil & Phil, as we talked snakes, spiders, caterpillars (yep, even caterpillars can be scary out here!) and more.
From there we moved on to birds, amphibs, reptiles, butterflies and mammals, with each staff member presenting their specialty and getting everyone psyched up for surveys. A couple of night walks and very wet stream walks brought in some cool amphib sightings, and even I got to observe some amazing frogs who have taken up residence by our compost heap.
A full day of Emergency First Response training got everyone up to speed on first aid and CPR drills, so we can all head into the forest with confidence, having simulated everything from encountering a non-breathing victim to the team's Emmy-award winning acting out of a mass canoe explosion with 5 difficult victims for the unsuspecting responder team to assess, triage and treat. We made sure that a good time was had by all, but also that some serious learning took place, and we're happy to note that the final exam was a rousing success -- go team Amazon!
Overall, an awesome week and fantastic start to 2012! For all you readers out there, we hope to see you in the Amazon soon!
Blaine Clarke - Country Director, GVI Amazon - Ecuador
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