INTERN CORNER: Woolly Monkeys
As a GVI
Amazon long-term Conservation Intern, the last 12 weeks of the program are
spent on a work placement, using the knowledge learned at GVI Amazon base camp
to assist Amazon communities in conservation-focused research and education
programs. I’ve been working for five weeks now at Sumak
Allpa, known to all of GVI-ers as “Hector’s Island”, as the project is run by
Amazon conservationist Hector Vargas, a long-time GVI partner and friend, who
lives on the island with his family.
Sumak Allpa is a non-profit foundation “working to preserve and support
endangered indigenous peoples and their culture, language, and traditional way
of life in the Ecuadorian Amazon region”; and is also “dedicated to restoring
the environmental health of the seriously degraded jungle ecosystem and the
wildlife that depend on it.” The work that I am doing is an exciting study on
the behaviours of rescued and rehabilitating monkeys that have been released
onto the island.
The aim of
the study is to compare the behaviours of the rescued monkeys to known
behaviours of wild monkeys to assess whether the protected island is a suitable
location for such rehabilitations and then eventually whether the monkeys are
ready to be released into the wild.
I have
thus been getting up early each morning to find the troop and note what they
are doing, eating and other behavioural details. This research is being carried
out simultaneously with a plant mapping project that looks at the type of forest
the monkeys seem to prefer, and why. All this is being done with a view to
publishing a paper on the subject sometime in the near future, to be presented
by Sumak Allpa at the annual Ecuadorian National Biology Conference,
contributing to the body of knowledge of primate rehabilitation and behaviour
in the Amazon.
They didn’t
have the best start in life but thanks to the work being done here these two
lovely monkeys have a second chance at living freely and hopefully having lots
more babies.
Reena Bhavsar, GVI Amazon Conservation Intern, Jan - June 2012
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