Secretive Caecilian
One animal that you just maybe lucky enough to see at GVI Amazon, Ecuador is the caecilian. The nam
e caecilian derives from the Latin word caecus, meaning "blind", referring to the small or sometimes non-existing eyes. Despite appearing quite worm like, caecilians are in fact a type of amphibian, along with the anurans (frogs and toads) and the urodeles (salamanders and newts). They lack legs, functional eyes and tail and the body is usually ringed in appearance. Terrestrial caecilians being fossorial can be found beneath leaf litter or
rotten logs and may even be surface active in heavy rains but there are however also a number of aquatic species. Their foods include earthworms, termites and other burrowing invertebrates and they possess two rows of teeth in the upper jaw and one in the bottom, which are curved and sharp. Some specimens can be up to and over three feet in length. Not only are they found here in South America but also in Africa and Asia. The caecilians we have
encountered here at Yachana have been found in the heavy rains that we have mainly in the wetter season but have also turned up a few times in the pitfall traps of our annual amphibian and reptile project. Those of you who have been lucky to see one of the secretive animals will know just how special and fascinating they are and any potential volunteers reading this will hopefully have a real desire to seek one out in the future!

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