The Ornate Hawk Eagle – A rare treat!

At about 58-64 cm (23-25 in) in length it has a prominent pointed crest, raised when excited, a black bill, broad wings and a long rounded tail. The typical adult has blackish upperparts and crown, bright chestnut sides to the neck and breast and a black-edged white throat and central breast. The rest of the underparts and feathered legs are white barred with black, and the tail has broad black bars. The underwings are white, with barred flight feathers. Sexes are similar, but young birds have a white head and underparts, with a grey crest, brown upperparts, and barring only on the flanks and legs.
When recently returning from vegetation mapping session last week as part of the GVI Amazon ird mist netting project Avel, our Ecuadorian pasantia (work placement student from Yachana High School), pointed to a rather large bird sat close by to the road in a dead tree. Our jaws nearly dropped open as we saw the crest of the Ornate Hawk Eagle........ Sat perching! New to our species list after four years based in the Yachana Reserve and we even managed to get a half decent photo. Enjoy...
Andy Whitworth - GVI Amazon Base Manager
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