5 people, 8 bsicuits, one dribble....

Recently, I was introduced to my favourite game yet – its a game of grace, beauty and wit – but above all, fantastic technique. The rules are simple; eat as many delicious vanilla biscuits as you can, in one go – without spilling any crumbs (no hands allowed as gorging devices). With a massive camp record of ten to b

Two veterans of the game and three eager volunteers stepped up to the almighty biscuit challenge. Olly and Chris kicked things off with a respectable eight biscuits each. Adam sensibly followed suit with Kristie going for a humble five. I, the young pretender, aimed for a massive nine – little did we know what we were getting ourselves into...
Kristie devoured hers in double quick time, then, filled with much misguided self
confidence, she began to tackle eight – something she would soon regret. Meanwhile, the two veterans slowly but surely dealt with their stack of eight. The first casualty was Adam, who let a small stream of dribble escape, but soldiered on regardless, dignity still intact. I opted for a ‘slow but steady wins the race’ mantra which proved to be the perfect tactic – not a crumb spilled! However, my efforts were soon topped by Kristie, who, in her attempt to tackle her tower of eight with too much gumption, let forth no less than a river of drool escape her mouth. Crumbs spilled. Dignity less so intact.

You can see for yourself, the proof that the biscuit challenge has its casualties...
Edwin Vaca - GVI Amazon short term intern, April-June 2010
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