
Centrolenidae are not often found during run of the mill amphibian surveys due to their arboreal nature. They are an excellent indicator species for the health of primary rainforests as they are extremely sensitive to environmental pressures. Their sensitivity stems from the fact that their skin is incredibly thin, so thin that the venter (underside) is in fact transparent. Internal organs can be seen through this window of skin, hence the name glass frog.
In addition to being thin, the skin of the Centrolenidae possesses a unique pigment that reflects the same wavelength of light as chlorophyll found in plant leaves. Undoubtedly this aids camouflage and gives glass frogs their intense green colouration. The green does not stop there though. Bile salts produced by the frog mean even their bones are green.
Although arboreal, Centrolenidae will come down to stream sides in order to mate and d

Oliver Burdekin, GVI Amazon Field Staff
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