Cluedo - GVI Amazon Styley

The game is 'GVI... time to DIE' involves everyone picking a name, location and weapon out of a hat, then subtly, stealthily trying to commit 187 on said person in the given location, wielding the chosen weapon! It has provoked many near misses, including Hugh sprinting to the toilet blocks with a Medipack in hand to end Kristie, but a ferocious shriek and evasive action proved to be enough to maintain her lifeline....for now!
We have seen an hila

It now leaves only a few active participants and an overwhelming sense of anticipation... When? Where? Who will be the next to fall? Leaving every 'abnormal' movement of any object around GVI Amazon base camp open to much scrutiny and a notion of panic sets in on the remaining survivors' faces. In the end, there can be ONLY ONE!
Week one has ended and it has been great meeting all the new volunteers, who are settling in brilliantly and displaying great enthusiasm and excitement for the weeks ahead. It bodes well for the field and community work to come. Good luck everyone....Its been nice knowing you!!!
Benny Mansfield - GVI Amazon scholar, Jan-May 2010
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